Overview of Student Program

The Organising Committee of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2020 is pleased to announce the following student-centred events that will take place during the conference:

  1. Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition
  2. PhD mentoring session

Both events are free to graduate students who have registered for the main conference or workshops. Out of more than 500 expected participants at ICME 2020, we expect to have over 50 student participants in the student events, and most of the students will be senior PhDs or at Master level that are looking for a job soon.

Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition

The 3MT competition is an interesting yet challenging way to present a graduate research thesis to a general audience in just three minutes using a single presentation slide. 3MT was first established at the University of Queensland in 2008 and has since been held at many universities around the world. For further information please visit – http://threeminutethesis.org.

This year, IET will sponsor the awards that will be given to the best 3MT presentations at ICME 2020 so that the best 3 presentations will receive £300, £200 and £100, respectively.

The winners can be seen here!!!!

To participate in the 3MT, please submit the following registration items to info.icme2020@qmul.ac.uk by July 3, 2020:

  1. Email Subject Line: ICME2020-3MT
  2. Your CV (maximum 1 page), which should include your contact details
  3. A letter from your advisor confirming your student status

After registration, you will be asked to submit a pre-recorded 3-minute video of your 3MT presentation (Please note that the file must be a video file in MP4 format of 100MB max). View presentations by previous 3MT finalists (https://threeminutethesis.uq.edu.au/watch-3mt).

Video submission will open approximately one week before the start of the conference. The video presentations will be available for public during the original dates of the conference

PhD mentoring session

The PhD mentoring session is an opportunity for PhD students at all stages of their research to speak to experienced and established scholars in their respective research field, ask for their opinion and advice in a 1-to-1 online video chat. Students can register for up to 3 private mentoring slots. Each mentoring session will last at least 15 minutes.

The student activities will take place on Wednesday, 8 July, 9:00-11:30 & 12:00-13:00, and Thursday, 9 July, 10:00-13:00 & 13:30-16:00, British Summer Time (BST).

To participate in the PhD mentoring session, please submit the following registration items to info.icme2020@qmul.ac.uk by July 3, 2020:

  1. Email Subject Line: ICME2020-PhD Mentoring
  2. Your CV (maximum 1 page), which should include your contact details
  3. A list of up to three mentors you would like to meet
  4. A list of up to three questions you would like to discuss with the mentor

This year’s PhD mentoring session is sponsored by YouTube, with the following senior academics participating as mentors:

Other student related events and activities
  1. Best student papers in the regular program will receive awards
  2. Students are invited to work on the five Grand Challenges

Interested industry participants can support student activities by becoming a sponsor! More details available at the Call for Sponsorship page.

Student Program Committee
Hantao Liu
Cardiff University, UK
Luka Murn
DCU, Ireland
Najmeh Rezaei
Queen Mary University of London, UK